Everything You Need To Know About Martial Law

Everything You Need To Know About Martial Law

Everything You Need To Know About Martial Law: Martial law is thought to be the last resort in case a nation gets caught up in great national turmoil. Martial law is the result of the incapability of a legislative government to deal with a national threat or situation which can be a civil war, national emergency or widespread chaos.

What is Martial Law?

Martial law is an act of controlling a national situation by replacing the incompetent legislative government and enforcing the military law over the general population.

Everything You Need To Know About Martial Law
Everything You Need To Know About Martial Law

During martial law, the military officer holding the highest rank acts as the head of the state and all the powers formerly belonging to the state institutions such as the judiciary, legislative assembly and the like are transferred to the military.

Normal Life under Martial Law

Normal life as we know it ceases to exist under martial law because all of the constitutional rights that we enjoy as citizens of a state are revoked. You’ll see soldiers roaming around and tanks on the streets. Daily curfews are conducted and people can be arrested and punished without having the right to a fair trial. Freedom of expression along with free media does not exist under martial law.

Surviving a Martial Law

So, as you can vividly picture a martial law is quite difficult to live in. You’ll need to do the following to survive a martial law:

Blend in

The worst thing you can do in a martial law is to stand out or look peculiar. In a martial law military surveillance is everywhere, and if they get the slightest notion of you becoming anti-state or doing something out of the norm, they will arrest you and punish you.

Don’t speak

Rid yourself of personal opinion in a martial law because anything you say can be used against you and as mentioned before you will not be entertained with a fair trial. Even a slight suggestion of anti-nationalism can symbolize treachery and harm you and your family members.


You need to keep necessary medicines, food, firearms, and water stored in case you need them during a curfew or harsh moments. You should get rid of electronics such as mobile phones and laptops as these things can easily be used to track your location.

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