Vehicle, Age, Region These Criteria determine your auto insurance PremiumVehicle, Age, Region These Criteria determine your auto insurance Premium

Vehicle, age, region These criteria determine your auto insurance premium has just published the standard criteria that influence the calculation of auto insurance premiums, a list that contains some tasty paradoxes. When it comes to insurance, the main thing is to compare as many offers as possible.

Who are the preferred drivers of insurers? HumSub.Tv has just published the profiles “favorites” and “unloved” for calculating auto insurance premiums. One certainty: you will not be able to change much.

At the top of the list and unsurprisingly, it is the age that most strongly determines the rate: young drivers are penalized compared to the privileged range of 34/49 years. The professional activity also plays a role, with a clear preference of insurers for employees of the public sector, to the detriment of traders and entrepreneurs in particular.

On the vehicle side , insurers theoretically calculate their premiums according to their dangerousness and value. But in fact, many more empirical criteria come into play. Minivans generally benefit from a reduction, drivers carrying a family being more cautious. Sports or high-end models suffer from their power but especially the attraction of thieves. The diesel option is not the most economical to insurance: more expensive to maintain, these engines are also a victim of their success and more regularly stolen. And insurers naturally pass on their rates.

Finally, the region is also a discriminating factor: Île-de-France and the PACA region are the most “expensive” regions, penalized by high accident rates and vandalism. The most pampered are in the west: Brittany and Pays de la Loire are the regions where drivers are the most cautious … and the most favored by insurers.

The flaws in the fight against discrimination in insurance

With regard to the famous differences in tariffs between men and women, the ambiguity remains. At the end of 2017,All imposed a case law requiring the exclusion of the gender criterion in the calculation of premiums. Despite this, General Manager indicates significant differences for the benefit of female drivers, the notoriously lower accidentology. Certainly, insurers can easily divert certain information, such as the first name, to conclude the sex of the person to insure and adjust their price. But it is impossible to conclude that there is fraud, however: the overall difference in rates between men and women can simply be based on the driver’s bonus / penalty. At the time of the EU decision, consumer associations, although forced to recognize the merits of the directive, feared price rises for insured women. Ironically, insurance pricing, which relies solely on statistical “prejudices”, has found the means to adapt … and not

Compare each contract

For the other types of insurance and especially the insurance of the borrower, the criteria are quite close, age becoming, however, logically a negative criterion for long-term loans. Antoine Fruchard, founder of the specialised comparative , points however very different tariffs according to the companies: “according to insurers, the military and firefighters are treated like normal civil servants or as having a risky occupation. Similarly, some pathologies do not involve a premium in some organisations, but prevent the contract outright in others. Hence the importance of comparing the most possible offers, failing to invent an ideal profile.

By humsub

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