Qualities of PsychicsQualities of Psychics

Qualities of Psychics

Qualities of Psychics: How excited are we all when we get to go to psychics for free? What we don’t realize is that to some level we all possess psychic abilities. Weird right? Not so absurd, though if you consider what psychics really rely on; that is “Intuition”. That’s right; you get a sense something is going wrong? Intuition! You wake up with a feeling in you that today is going to be a great day? Intuition again!

What are psychic powers and how do they work?

Psychics have a strong sense of extrasensory perception (ESP). The four best known forms of ESP are:

  • Clair voyance: this means “clear seeing”, psychic vision or the third eye. Clairvoyance basically refers to when you see something through your imagination rather than a manifest vision.
  • Clair sentience: this means “clear feeling”. Ever “sense” your mom isn’t happy? Or that your dog isn’t feeling too well? Yup that’s clair sentience.
  •  Clair audience: meaning “clear hearing”, not with our ears though. People possessing this gift are called “mediums”. They have the unique and also possibly terrifying ability to communicate with spirits. If you have ever heard something in your mind, something others did not hear perhaps; congratulations!
  •  Clair cognizance: this refers to “clear knowing”. At times we take decisions not based on fact or logic, but based on how we feel. For instance, you might not go to a party because in your heart of hearts you know it would just be a huge dull dud. This feeling might go against logic, or fact or any evidence, and it might prove to be true as well. This is Clair cognizance.
Qualities of Psychics
Qualities of Psychics

Personality traits of psychics.

There are also a set of personality traits that people with psychic abilities manifest, such as:

  • They are well aware of their feelings, and of those around them
  • They are sensitive and grieve for prolonged time periods over any loss they may encumber
  • They deeply appreciate nature, art and music
  • While they shouldn’t be called introverts, due to their inherent sensitive traits, psychics are choosy in their company

It is almost impossible to stereotype any talent, and even more so with people possessing psychic abilities. If you feel however that you may have these qualities, you may be able to consult a psychic for free whenever you want; just look in the mirror!

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