Post Ramazan Diet To Stay HealthyPost Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy

Post Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy

Post Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy: During Ramadan, we have the opportunity to eliminate unhealthy eating pattern and gives our overburdened digestive systems a much-needed break. Our altered eating patterns impose substantial changes physically, mentally and socially.

So, to make sure you make the most out of the healthy eating habits and maintaining the incredible health benefits acquired during Ramadan, below are some tips on how to maintain, establish (or re-establish) a normal, healthy diet and exercise routine when the rules of Ramadan no longer guide your schedule:

  1. Have 2-3 Meals a Day

Make a habit of eating 2-3 regular meals a day (similar to Ramadan), rather than 6 small ones. The sensation of hunger between meals, contrary to popular belief, can be of great benefit to our physical health. According to a study published by PLOS ONE, the sensation of hunger may actually protect against Alzheimer’s disease.

Post Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy
Post Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy
  1. Eat Dried Fruits

Dried dates and figs are both an excellent source of iron, fibre and antioxidants that protect against harmful free radicals, which are associated with ageing. If you have a sweet tooth and must have dessert after meals, have three dates instead of a dense, nutrition-deficit piece of chocolate cake.

  1. Go slow and steady – The 80/20 Rule

Remember, the body will have undergone extreme alterations so be sure to ease the body around gradually. Practice the 80/20 rule and eat only until you are 80% full. A good way to do this is to eat slowly, so you are aware of your satiation level while you eat. Eating on the go or while watching television are surefire ways to overeat and hinder your body’s ability to properly digest what you consume.

During Ramadan, the ritual of fasting allowed us to consciously recognise our body’s hunger and satiation signals. Therefore, avoid returning to mindless eating habits and most importantly beware of consuming an excessive intake of food.

  1. Make healthy choices

Vegetables come with a many of nutritional benefits, are low in calories and always promote better health. Steam or boil your vegetables, and healthy salads are a good way of replenishing your body with good nutrients.

Post Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy
Post Ramazan Diet To Stay Healthy
  1. Take a Probiotic Supplement to Maintain Digestive Health

The excessive consumption of sweets that followed the long days of fasting in Ramadan and that were a big part of Eid celebrations may have taken its toll on your digestive system. Try adding a probiotic supplement to your daily regimen to replenish the levels of good bacteria flora in your intestines.

Ramadan is meant to instill in us good new habits by training us spiritually. Making healthy choices and ensuring a mindful turnaround after Ramadan is vital to ensuring good health and looking after your body.

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