President Trump defends Jared Kushner during ‘secret Russian line’ questioning

President Trump defends Jared Kushner during ‘secret Russian line’ questioning: President Trump praised the “great job” Mr Kushner is doing, while giving a statement to an American daily. However the President did not directly mention the allegations which have been made against Mr Kushner.

There have been allegations against Mr Kushner that in December he had been discussing about setting up a backchannel with the Russian ambassador in.

According to the reports Mr Kushner had wanted to use Russian facilities in order to avoid US interception of discussions with Moscow. Mr Kushner is reported to have this before President Trump became the President, so Mr Kushner would have been a private citizen at the time.

Mr Kushner is part of the investigation which is targeted at finding out alleged Russian involvement in the US 2016 elections. According to report Mr Kushner is part of the investigation, however he is not suspected of being involved in any crime.

President Trump is said to have met with attorneys at the White House on Sunday. The President did not waver in his support for the now senior White House aide Mr Kushner.

In a statement given by the President, he said:”Jared is doing a great job for the country. I have total confidence in him, he is respected by virtually everyone and is working on programs that will save our country billions of dollars. In addition to that, and perhaps more importantly, he is a very good person.”

President Trump’s comments have come after senior administration officials had moved to play down the allegations, without addressing whether or not they were true.

John Kelly, the Homeland Security Secretary told on Sunday told a news channel that it was “normal” and “acceptable” to establish back channels with foreign powers.”Any way that you can communicate with people, particularly organisations that are maybe not particularly friendly to us, is a good thing and, again, it comes back to whatever the communication is, comes back into the government and shared across the government.

According to, Mr Trump’s National Security Advisor HR McMaster said, generally speaking, “we have back-channel communication with a number of countries.”

President Trump had earlier taken to Twitter to vent his frustrations with the “fake news media“.

“It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media,” The President added.

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