Ramazan Fitness Through YogaRamazan Fitness Through Yoga

Ramazan Fitness Through Yoga

Ramazan Fitness Through Yoga: During Ramadan the best time to do a little yoga would be early in the morning, 2-3 hours after breaking the fast or even before breaking your fast.

For those who are new to yoga, it’s a great time to begin just make sure you start with small steps and don’t forget to listen to your body. If you don’t feel well, it’s probably best to stop and try again later. For the initiated, you need to tone your challenge level down and aim for a more relaxed practice.

Ramazan Fitness Through Yoga
Ramazan Fitness Through Yoga

These asanas are simple to achieve, and can be a part of daily routine for 10 minutes.

The first two poses – Cobra and Bow Pose – should be done gently, holding the position for a few seconds each. These poses raise the chest bone up empowering the heart to pump oxygen rich blood throughout the body. The pressure in the stomach improves the power of the organs in the stomach.


  • Lie down on your stomach, keeping your fingertips in line with your shoulders.
  • Lift your torso up keeping your hipbone firm on the ground. Elongate your neck and take normal steady breaths. Rest for a minute after your finish.


  • Lie down on your stomach.
  • Bend your knees up, lifting your thighs off the ground
  • Safely reach your hands back and grab onto your ankles. With your hands, pull slightly on your ankles, pulling your feet toward your chest.
  • Pull until your core forms an arch. Your legs and chest should be off the floor. The only thing that should be touching the floor is your stomach. You will really feel this stretch in your stomach, chest, and back.


  • It is also known to boost your mood, relieve stress, fatigue, and headaches and lower blood pressure. Lie back, elongate your spine on the floor, and connect with the earth. This is the perfect time to reflect, re-center and ready yourself for the rest of the day.
Ramazan Fitness Through Yoga
Ramazan Fitness Through Yoga

Don’t forget to load up on healthy foods like juices, soups, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. Dates and dried fruits are perfect as you break your fast. They are high in carbs, giving you energy, iron, and help to combat anemia.

Make this Ramadan the perfect opportunity to exercise self-discipline and self-restraint, to detox your body, shed a few kilos and bring in some positive lifestyle changes.

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