Pakistan in FATF After June- HumSub.Tv
Pakistan is now out of danger as being included herself in Financial Action Task Force. But is a temporary relief for Pakistan as she may find herself on the blacklist of a global financial watchdog if she does not prepare a comprehensive action plan to root out terrorist financing by June 2018.
The 37-nation FATF held its meeting in Paris last week where it placed Pakistan on a watch list of the countries where terrorist are still allowed to raise funds. It is reported that China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia opposed the demand of United State of America and United Kingdom to enlist Pakistan in FATF.

Financial Action Task Force issued an updated grey list along with a statement that mentioned as “Pakistan is not on the list” The grey list carries “jurisdictions with strategic anti-money laundering countering the financing of terrorism deficiencies for which they have developed an action plan with the FATF
Trump’ s Government is not happy with Pakistan. The demand was presented by USA government to enlist Pakistan on the watch list of FATF.
Usually, the FATF waits for a mutual evaluation report before starting the listing process but in Pakistan’s case, the group took an unprecedented step when it agreed to debate a US proposal, backed by Britain, France, and Germany to dominate Pakistan as a country having strategic deficiencies in countering the financing of terrorism. It also indicates that the sacrifices made by Pakistan are totally ignored.
The Paris plenary held its first meeting on Pakistan on Feb 20 where China, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, which was representing the Gulf Cooperation Council as it is not a full member, opposed the move to place Pakistan on the watchlist. Washington had convinced Riyadh to give up her support to Pakistan in return for a full FATF membership. This left only two China and Turkey in the Pakistan favor. Pakistan appreciated the Chinese position and conveyed its gratitude to Turkey for support to Islamabad.